Sunday, February 28, 2010


So far 2010 has been a challenging year, we had to cancel our Discipleship Training School because we only had 3 students. Its a bit disappointing, I was really looking forward to taking on these new tasks and stepping up as staff. I guess the Lord has other things for us as staff, new things. When we prayed about canceling  DTS and the Lord told us to stop it was very challenging especially for me. It's really hard for me to just stop, I kept finding myself trying to figure out what it is I'm supposed to do now. I kept asking.. "ok stop and do what" and really the Lord just wanted me to STOP! Which doesn't sound hard.. but for me it is!

We are still planning on doing all of our camps, Camp Lokahi Hawaii and Camp Lokahi Philippines. Camp Lokahi Hawaii is March 14th- 17th. I am not exactly sure when Camp Lokahi Philippines will be though.

Honestly right now, being a missionary is hard. I feel really dry. I don't know how to explain it. Like I don't want to be negative, I want to stay positive, I know the Lord provides and will provide. But my support checks keep getting smaller which is making me credit card bill go higher... which is making me start to doubt and really wonder did the Lord really call me here. Which I guess when things get hard, the enemy really wants you to start doubting and take you out of where the Lord has you.

I guess I am asking for your guys' prayer. To stay strong in these financially difficult times, I know everyone is having financially difficult times and I know this too will pass. I hope you will all stand with me in prayer. Thanks Jess

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