Saturday, February 6, 2010

Group 180

So once a week, I run a 7th grade small group with another girl Summer. We named our small group "Group 180" like 180 degrees, we're praying that the Lord will change us and we'll turn around 180 degrees. The girls were saying hey why dont we have it "group 360" and we thought about it and said humm we'd be right be where we started.. so we named it "group 180" :)

Anyways Summer and I started this group in August 2009, our first group 180 small group started with 3 girls and two of them were Summers sisters. haha After a lot of praying and seeking the Lord and being faithful with the few girls the Lord gave us; now on average we usually have about 8 girls. Praise the Lord!!

A few of them are already Christians and the others for the most part have heard about God and Jesus, but don't really know what it means to have a real relationship with the Lord. So its been cool and exciting being able to plant seeds and water them and really see them grow! We are praying for transformation in them and there friends and there schools.

Yesterday we got to talk to them about Love and what the world says love is and we got to discuss what the bible says Love is. We told them about 1 Corinthians 13 and also 1 John 4:16 how God is Love. We gave them an illustration, where we have a whole bunch of rubbish which can be lies, gossip, sin.. and that sometimes we go to our friends, or family and tell them our problems or whats going on in your life and your friends, family, boyfriend etc. are like a flashlight, they give light and some heat and make you feel better, but all the rubbish is still there. But if we go to God with our problems and stuff we find the fire. Then we talked about how do we keep fires going, we need sticks. And then asked them what they thought sticks could be, they came up with reading your bible, praying, patience, kindness, encouraging and lots more. So we had the girls write down what the world says Love is and the lies they believed about love and then we had them crumple them up and put them in the small hibachi grill thing and we started the fire and then had them add sticks. It was over all a very awesome night, they asked a lot of questions and were very tentative and interested. We ended the night having a prayer time for the girls schools and families.

After group 180 Summer and I took the girls home, and on my way taking a few girls home I got a call from Summer. One of the girls that comes to our Small Group is new, this was her second week coming, which she had been a prayer request weeks before, her mom was sick and ended up passing away a couple of months ago. So before we start Summer and I take the girls cell phones, or else they're texting people and being distracted the whole time. But the parents have our phone number incase they need to get a hold of the girls. So we forgot this girls father did not have our phone numbers, so her father had been trying to call her and couldn't get ahold of her. After our group was finished she called her father and he was super mad, but Summer and I had no idea this was going on. We found out because after her father picked her up and he cancelled her birthday party, she called Summers sister. So Summer called her back and apologized and then asked to talk to her father to try and apologize to him and explain it wasn't his daughters fault and just explain why we take their phones away. But he didn't want to talk to anyone. So Summer and I then prayed and we really feel like the enemy is trying to steal what God is doing in these girls lives and especially this particular girl. Her father is not a believer. So right now we are just giving the situation back to the Lord and praying that he will work all of this out for good and his Glory. 

So if you can be praying for this particular girl and her family as well as the rest of our group 180 girls, including Summer and I just really for the wisdom. I SO would just like to go back and wish we had given this girls father our number so none of this would have happened, but I know that God is growing us and I trust everything will work out.

I am so blessed that he is using me to speak into these girls lives and hopefully make a difference in there lives and help them get a solid foundation in Christ early.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, thanks so much for sharing in this blog. That is so awesome that God is giving you the opportunity to love and share with some 7th grade girls. I am not surprised about the setback with that one girl...God is working and Satan wants to destroy it. I will be praying for you and for the girls. Good to hear from you!
