Friday, March 19, 2010


Hey guys!
Since the last post, a lot has been going on! We just finished Camp Lokahi Hawaii! (If you click on the link there is a video from YouTube with Pictures from the camp!)Which was an awesome/ exhausting week! Lately I have really felt the Lord challenging me on perseverance, you know when things get hard thats when I need to persevere, that is when I am going to grow. So lately we have been running and the Lord is using running to challenge me with perseverance, its been hard but its been good!

I also have a prayer request. This August my 2 year commitment with Holoholo Ministries will be up. Right now i am not really sure what the Lord is calling me to do or really asking of me. I am not sure if I am supposed to recommit with Holoholo ministries, if i'm supposed to come home for a season, but also i've felt a real excitement to do another secondary school called Principals of Redeeming Cultures  or if the Lord might have something different that I might not even know about yet. Right now I'm not feeling pulled to any of them more than another. So I'm just really asking for prayer during this time. If you get any words or feelings or anything please let me know! Thanks guys!!

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